A boutique consultancy for Brand Development
and Leadership Capabilities
What We Do
We create and facilitate games, puzzles and storytelling to help you address your business challenges more effectively.
These can be applied via team workshops, one-to-one consultancy, surveys and ongoing change-management or communication programmes.
Our desire is to transform peoples’ thinking and capabilities, by applying our years of branding and leadership experience with some added magic – a bit of fun and games.
How it Works
Games get people "in the flow". This is the mental state in which a person doing something is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. Named by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, a leader in the field of positive psychology, he describes flow as “completely focused motivation”.
A good game or story encourages:
- Better engagement with issues.
- More creative, innovative solutions.
- Quicker feedback and improved teamwork.
- A desire to learn more and progress further.
“The Play ethic can be a possible bridge between results-driven management and meaning-driven employees in the modern enterprise or organisation”
Pat Kane – The Play Ethic
Games we Play
These are the most popular games that we use to help people be better at what they do.
Click on the images for more information
Brand Identity and Purpose
For sharp and compelling brand positioning
A game that clarifies brand positioning, using classical principles of personality mapping, archetypes and storytelling. Connect all key elements of a brand (insights, assets, benefits, personality, purpose) to create a comprehensive playbook that enables consistent management of all your brand activities.
Marketing Ventures and War Games
To assess competitive scenarios and decide on strategy
A turn-based game that illustrates how marketing is like a game of “Risk”. The objective is to gain market share and revenue. You need to pick your battles and allocate resource. The outcome of each campaign will also depend on what your competitor chooses to do!
Purpose "REVEL-ations"
To explore individual purpose and effective teamwork
This game enlightens people about their dominant values & styles in life & work. It uses the Enneagram model, a structure of nine interconnected personality types, each with distinctive motives, fears & traps. All people have a dominant type, but draw upon the behaviours of others according to their situation.
Who We Are
As a young start-up, we work by a model of association, with project teams constructed according to nature of the work and the required skills. All associates have a minimum of 15 years marketing experience in world-class consumer goods and communication companies. Simon is your first point of contact to define a project's needs and approach.
Founding Reveller
Simon Thong
With 25 years experience leading multiple brands in Unilever and Nestle, I have been blessed with the opportunity to live in all continents, and lead teams in diverse roles with local, regional and global scope, whilst learning from supremely talented, inspirational people in some of the best marketing and communications companies in the world.
Playing my own “Purpose Revel-ation Game” has sparked a new adventure - the establishment of Revel, as a means to apply my experience and strengths as a peacemaker-perfectionist, in a mission to help people play at the top of their game. I am a licenced practitioner of NLP, an enthusiast of Lego Serious Play and an experienced business mentor.
Blogs and Games
A flavour of what we do. Any comments appreciated!
- Try this quick, easy spot-check. Is your brand positioning a bland positioning?
- Brand Identity - why "who you are" is more important than "what you do".
- The Brand Identity Game - thoughts from an early adopter.
- Strategy is fancy management-speak for making a choice. What choices are being made in these adverts?
Contact Us
The Revelry,
61 Pelham Road,
SW19 1NW+44 (0)7826 902131
© 2016